Best Food For Civet | Drh. Fira Sovica

What best food for civet?

That's the common question give to me. Yes, civet is a omnivorous animal that eat both meat and fruit. But, the best diet for toddy cat is fruits. Civet as pet is now a common pets in indonesia and malaysia, and there's a lot of civet lover community there. How to keep civet as pet is a topic that came to me as vet, including what the best feed for civet.
Best Food For Civet
As wrote on how to keep toddy cat as pet, many civet owner give boiled chicken head, bananas, and papayas as civet's feed.
But, as vet, I recommended only banana and papaya for civet's best diet. For perfect nutrition, here is my own diet for my civet cat:
  1. Monday until friday, I give them banana for morning and evening, papaya for night.
  2. Saturday I give boiled chicken head for morning, evening, and night.
  3. In sunday, I give them rice mixed with soya sauce for morning and evening, papaya for night.
There's my

best diet for civet

. I hope that short article can help you in keep your civet healty. You can write your message to me in form below. Thank you. (FS)

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