How to Make Civet Tame? | Drh. Fira Sovica

Civet is now a common pet in Indonesia and Malaysia. Many group and community of civet lover in that country. Yes, civet is a wild and dangerous animal, but is can be tamed like cat.

How to make a civet tamed?

Theres tips and tricks to get your civet tamed. This tips is arranged by my experience as a civet lover. Also, you can read my articles about make civet as pet.
How to Make Civet Tame?
Image taken from
  1. First way to get your civet tame is handsfeed.
  2. By handsfeed, they can trusted you and they can be know your scent. More handsfeed, more they can be tamed.
  3. Civet can be tamed by play with them.
  4. Yes, civet is dangerous and its can hurt you. But more you get bite with them, more they know you. And remember, civet is still bite even if they fully tamed. Its a their basic instinc. So, if you dont want a bite, its better dont keep a civet as your cat. Get bite is a risk for civet lover. Play with them can make them tamed.
  5. Show no fear when faced your civet.
  6. As another nocturnal animal, civet can read your mind easily like horse know their rider’s mind. More you afraid of your civet, its make difficult to tamed. Show no fear even if they bite you, even if they attack you.
Theres three ways to get your civet tamed. I hope this short article can help you to

make civet tamed

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